Rebuilt 318 Refuses to Start

I finally got her to fire up. It was a combination of an out of sync timing chain and the mysterious #6 as #1. When I spun the chain so they were both at 12, the rotor wasn't pointed towards the #1 plug, so I put it back to 6 on the cam and 12 on the crank and placed the #6 plug where the rotor was. Fired up instantly. I'm putting it back together now and I just have two further questions:

Is it normal that one side of the timing chain is tighter than the other? The looser side has play like it should, but the other is tighter.

Are all v8s with the same firing order going to have this #6 as #1 when the timing dots are aligned? I've never heard of it before.

I also want to give a HUGE thank you to everybody involved. Hopefully I'll get to enjoy my baby before she needs more work. Couldn't have done it without you. Even the pros I talked to didn't tell me about the 6 trick.