They walk among us!
There are three kinds of people in this world;
1) Those that believe in THE creator; the God above all Gods, the God of Abraham, and of Isaac and of Jacob.
2) and those that don't believe in the Alpha and the Omega, I am that I am, and that openly scorn him
3) and those that haven't chosen yet
If there is a coming NEW Kingdom for those in group 1, I want to be in it.And I won't see anybody from group 2 in there. And I'm ecstatic about that.
As for group 3ers, Hurry up and get into group 1, before the King of Kings returns, cuz once he gets here, you automatically get promoted to group 2. And it won't go well.
I don't care one tiny bit about group 2ers, They were destined to destruction from the founding of the world. I am not an evangelist; that is not my gift.They may not even have a choice. They will be kindling to the Fire.
I am desperately sorry for group 3ers, that never make it. My Dear old Dad was in that group,he never made a decision. My youngest brother, died as a group 2er.The next in line to me is a wizzard, destined to destruction, a group 2er.My baby sister is a half-wit pseudo-Christian on a collision course with the Lake. The next in line sister has made a decision and is struggling to find her way as a group 1er.
For group 3ers, sitting on the fence, I am desperately sorry that I am not an evangelist. I know just how hard it was for me to choose. It was the hardest thing I ever did. But there is no way I would ever go back to my old life.
To you group 2ers, if I can, I'll be waving bye-bye on judgement day. You see me shaking the dust off my sandals?