340 build

1- Put the crank in with just the front and back main-bearings, snug up the bolts to like 80% torque, not critical. Grab a sharpie a Sharpie.
2 - Get any piston and rod assembly and place into #1 hole with a new bearing installed. Remember to protect the crank by placing a short piece of hose over the rod bolts.
3 - Set the piston just below the deck if the piston typically sits above the deck when fully extended.
4 - Lay a STRAIGHT squre piece of metal across the hole ( across the top pft he piston ) sitting on top of the deck on it's centerline in the fore/aft direction, on the wrist pin axis.
5 - Set your dial indicator up on top of the deck with the pointer resting on top of the center of the keystock.
6 - Now roll the crank over to push the piston up out of the hole. The piston will raise the bar and the indicator will read the positive deck-height.
7- Write on the deck with the Sharpie on the valley side of the hole how far the piston is either down in the hole or sticking out of the hole.
8 - Repeat in every hole with this same piston assembly and hwne this is done you will have a picture of where the decks and crank-throws really are! You will find some tall deck heights and some short heights.
9 - Number your cylinders 1 thru 7 on the drivers side and 2 thru 8 on the passenger side, in proper Mopar fashion, first piston is on the drivers side front and the last is on the passenger side rear
10 - Find the cylinder with the tallest deck height, whatever the number of that cylinder is, mark the top of this piston assembly with that number and the deck height in that hole,and set it aside.
11 - Next grab another piston assy and stick it in this same hole. Measure it's deck height. Mark the top of the piston. Repeat with each of the other piston assys.
12 - Line those assys up from tallest to shortest.
13 - Take the longest assy and mark it with the number of the shortest hole. Then the next longest, gets the number of the next shortest hole and so on.

This is as far as Im gonna go for now, Im gonna go out and try to perform these steps