Graveyardcarz is restoring a 71 Demon 340

I know people who work on reality TV shows. Things are not what they appear.... Fake.
Noooo! It can't be!

Woman is an asshat, and reminds me of former bosses who thought they were the best. Anything he does is better than what I would do, I'll give him that. Some of the shops that are "high end" make mistakes or take shortcuts too. Have a friend that pulled his car out of Muscle Car Restorations because of the shoddy work they were doing. Too many bad/shaddy shops on all levels. Like you said, do your homework before you give them money or your car. I'm glad I don't have anything I'd ever want restored to the level of an OE gold, I get to enjoy cars without worry.

And I'll still watch the show, the dumbass drama level has gone down over the years and I like seeing Mopars get worked on, regardless of their significance.