NHL puck drop, Game on!

I pay no attn to Vegas and odds and the TSN *** clowns
Look at matchups.
Habs vs Rangers coin toss and series 1-1
Flames vs Ducks Flames 0-28 against ducks lol series 1-0 for ducks
Ottawa vs Boston tied 1-1 Phagoof got an OT winner today.
Edmonton vs Sharks series 1-1 another coin toss, but Oilers have McJesus and Sharks have beards.
Leafs vs Crapitals...series 1-1 could be 2-0 for either. Leafs are not the same team from the beginning of the year.
As Cannucky stated Crampitals are perennial failures in playoffs.
Leafs record vs them this year is respectable.
Just my opinion. Nice to see 5 Canadian teams in this year.
Go Leafs!
Really?? How many analysts/reporters picked the Leafs to advance? What are the Vegas odds for the Leafs to advance past round 1, let alone round 2? How many analysts/reporters picked picked the other Canadian teams to make it further? The Vegas odds on the Leafs advancing is greater than any other Canadian team advancing??

Don't get me wrong, the Leafs have a fabulous rookie line but it takes experience to advance and win. I'd like to see where the odds of the Leafs advancing are greater than any of the other Canadian teams.....