NHL puck drop, Game on!

You gotta be patient Steve he's from Vancouver and a Canucks fan so you have to factor that into his hockey IQ , the Nucks fans are like American fans 5 yrs ago the team was on a roll you couldn't get on the waiting list for the waiting list for seasons tickets ,Yes thats a real thing or was . This year they can't give them away , I've gotten 2 emails and a facebook offer to buy seasons ticket rights in either full season or part season packages . According to the latest if I act now I get a $200 food voucher with every seat I take lol ! Try getting rights in another Canadian market ffs , heck they can't even figure out when they are happy or mad they riot when they win and they riot when they lose wtf is that .
Game on boys better to be 100 years old with 13 women in your past than a 47 year old virgin { think about it } -Go Leafs Go !