NHL puck drop, Game on!

You gotta be patient Steve he's from Vancouver and a Canucks fan so you have to factor that into his hockey IQ , the Nucks fans are like American fans 5 yrs ago the team was on a roll you couldn't get on the waiting list for the waiting list for seasons tickets ,Yes thats a real thing or was . This year they can't give them away , I've gotten 2 emails and a facebook offer to buy seasons ticket rights in either full season or part season packages . According to the latest if I act now I get a $200 food voucher with every seat I take lol ! Try getting rights in another Canadian market ffs , heck they can't even figure out when they are happy or mad they riot when they win and they riot when they lose wtf is that .
Game on boys better to be 100 years old with 13 women in your past than a 47 year old virgin { think about it } -Go Leafs Go !

A Canucks fan? What are you talking about? Where did I say I was a Canucks fan? I'm from Vancouver? Where did you get that idea? All wrong assumptions. Perhaps you should check your facts before just running your mouth off. You might learn something after reading the story below....

The College of Assuming

Chris was a middle-aged man who had decided to return to college to pursue a degree. Not certain of what degree he wanted to take, he began to look around campus at all the different colleges. He saw the college of physics, the college of sociology, the college of psychology and the college of assuming. Having never heard of a college of assuming, Chris was puzzled.

While he stood there pondering what it was, the Dean of the college happened by and inquired if he could help. Chris replied, "I've never heard of the college of assuming. What is it?"

"Well, I'm the Dean of the college. Here in the college of assuming, we take assumption to a new art form," said the Dean.

"I still don't understand," replied Chris.

"Let's try this. Can I assume you have a dog?" asked the Dean.

"Why, yes, I do have a dog," replied Chris.

"And can I assume that you have a backyard for your dog to play in?" inquired the Dean.

"Why, yes, I do have a backyard for my dog," said Chris.

"Okay, and I can I further assume that because you have a backyard you also have a house?" said the Dean.

"Why, yes, I do have a house," said Chris, beginning to be amazed.

"Now, because you have a house and a dog, and a backyard, can I then assume that you have a wife?" said the Dean flatly.

"That's amazing! Yes, I do have a wife," said Chris.

"And can I assume that because you have a wife, you also have children?" said the Dean.

"Wow! Yes, I do have children." replied Chris.

"Then because you have a wife and children, can I assume you are not gay?" inquired the Dean.

"No, I'm not gay," replied Chris.

"There you see," stated the Dean. "From the simple fact of assuming you had a dog, I was able to find out that you had a house with a backyard, a wife and kids, and that you are not gay."

Clearly amazed, Chris enrolled in the class assumption. One day about three weeks later, while waiting for class to start, Chris saw a very puzzled man in the halls. "Can I help you?" inquired Chris.

"Why, yes," replied the man. "What is the college of assuming?"

Delighted, Chris replied, "The college of assuming takes assumption to a new art form."

"I'm not sure I understand," replied the man.

"Well, let me give you an example," said Chris. "Do you own a dog?"

"Well, no," replied the man.

Chris quickly stepped back and said, "You must be gay!"