Jehovah's Witnesses

I agree that all religion is corrupt. I walked out of my church last year when they did their giant "cash grab" as I call it. They made the entire "sermon" (all 5 minutes of it) about giving and had fishbowls on stools at the front of the stage. Then they had envelopes waiting for us on the pews. The pastor said the band was going to play a 3 minute song and we were to decide how much we were going to donate for the year! 3 minutes. Write it on the paper, put it in the envelope and place it in the fishbowl at the end of the isle. He said we needed to dip into our savings, 401K or any other funds we have available, "over and above the standard 10% tithe offering". I sat there slack jawed and watched as he and his wife prayed over each fishbowl and realized I had been duped and could not go back there ever. I really loved that church, went every week and was involved in a life group and another bible study group. But what I saw that day showed me what they truly represent and it sickened me. The worst part is I led 3 people to that church and they were Baptized and now I feel like I quit on them. They are very cold to me now.
Every church I've been involved with has made it to that point, and near that blatently. Tell someone you've become somewhat financially successful and watch how quickly they bring you into the fold.