Jehovah's Witnesses

I remember once Daddy opened the door and said, "get the **** off my property" and closed the door. I never remember them coming back. Now the Mormons, he would let in and talk to.

I actually had a "big" problem with two very young Mormons a few years back. I happened to be in the house, getting something, but was working out back. For reasons that escape me, I opened the door. I admit I was already working on a bad mood.

One of them made the BIG mistake of asking something provocative. I have no idea, anymore, what he said. But whatever it was REALLY REALLY ticked me off. I told them "you have about 10 seconds to get the **** off my property and get out in the street!"

One of them turned down the steps, but the other just stood there. I was FURIOUS. I came t...h...a...t close to charging out the door and tackling that young bastard right into the ground.

I later called the local whatever-it's called and told whoever it was that "next time someone tells your people to leave, they'd better be LEAVING!!"