Jehovah's Witnesses

Not to get into the bashing of one faith or church, and why I retracted what I said several post earlier....
Now I will participate in God's name. Without giving a Bible study, here are just a couple of many, many passages in the KJV that claim Jesus is the name of God, because he was God. I don't have a Bible in front of me, just throwing out a few passages off the top of my head. I could give the very scripture to each passage I've quoted.
  • John 1:1 - in the begining was the Word, the word was with God, and the Word was God..... verse 14 - And the word was made flesh, and dwelt among us -- JESUS
  • And though shalt call his name JESUS, for HE shall save His people from their sins. Only God forgives sins was the Pharisees accusations, but they failed to realize he was God
  • "Jesus said "ALL Power in HEAVEN and in EARTH is given unto me"..... ALL means ALL. Show me God without Jesus, and I'll show you God without power.
  • "God was manifested in the flesh" ..... JESUS
  • "There is NO other name given under heaven whereby we must be saved" - Not Jehovah, but JESUS
  • What was the offensive name that the disciples were whipped and beaten for???? not Jehovah, but JESUS
  • What was the only name the Devils subject too???? Not Jehovah, but JESUS
  • What is the only name in baptism practiced by the new testimont church to wash away sins???? Not Jehovah, but JESUS
  • Old testamant was filled with titles, and adjatives that described God. His name wasn't revealed till it was given in the New testimont
  • Jesus said "before Abraham was, I was" how could this be???? He was God
  • Paul was stricken by light from heaven on his way to Damascus, and Paul said "who art thou Lord"?? and the Lord said "I AM JESUS"!! No physical body present, Just a voice from heaven. And Paul asked who the "LORD" was.......
  • Jehovah of old is Jesus of today :)

Sounds like you believe in the Trinity (?)

I'm happy to address each and every one ☝️ of the points that you've listed above. But that's quite a 'laundry list'! I work full time, so bear with me on this, it'll take a little time. But for now, I'll just say that the Trinity, or the teaching of a "triune god" cannot be found in ANY translation of the Bible. It's a man-made teaching that was introduced much much later than the written word.