Jehovah's Witnesses

Sounds like you believe in the Trinity (?)

I'm happy to address each and every one ☝️ of the points that you've listed above. But that's quite a 'laundry list'! I work full time, so bear with me on this, it'll take a little time. But for now, I'll just say that the Trinity, or the teaching of a "triune god" cannot be found in ANY translation of the Bible. It's a man-made teaching that was introduced much much later than the written word.
LOL.... how did you get trinity out of what I wrote??? I have one God, and his name is JESUS! Inseparatible! I have One that reigns in heaven and earth, and his name is Jesus, and he is God! One... Jesus... One.... Jesus.... and you read trinity in my post how???? :)
It is YOU, my friend, that believes in multiples. Lets count: You have God (that's one). You have Jesus is ruling and reigning in heaven (that's two). Shall we keep counting???
Been here, done that, with JW's in person at my front door. I proved to them it is they that have multiple people ruling with powers in heaven. And they've left without a word to say. No, I'm not bragging at all, just sharing the truth of God's Word :)