My 70 Dart

Well, here it is April 28, 2017. Moved back in December 2016, back in my house in March of 2017. Started a job at a Big Box hardware store local to the area. Needed a job.... Any how, was part-time and could not get to full time. Dead end. Then one day two weeks ago a cousin called me out of the blue and offered me a job at him and his dad's machine shop. I started April 24 full time and more money. What did I do to get this break? No complaining, I just will do the best I can! Job is working with wire EDM machines. No programming or setting up yet, but I am running the machines, only a matter of time before I do. Working on getting Betsy out of her cocoon; that was done this past week. Made possible by stable hours, 8 a day, DAYS, weekends off. Cousins dad is a bike and car nut, guy has about 30 bikes! If I'm off, it isn't by much. But I was already told, didn't ask I swear, that I can use the equipment if needed to make parts or whatever. Now that is cool. I see a need for the blasting cabinet in the future. I have a future with this place!! Dude in the house used drywall around my car, so I have a head start on insulating and drywall in the garage. Ok, all for now. Thanks to any who read this.