How nice would high octane gas be?
Wrong, the corrosive effects are not just a moisture or "left in too long" problem, wanna ask why all alky racers used metal needles instead of rubber tipped ones in
most old school holleys? Modern times may have provided us with better materials that are more resistant, but most old parts and like reproduced/re-manned parts
are not blessed with those materials. New pumps & kits now come with more suitable plastic & "rubber" components, but that's like saying I forced My ride grow to
like spoiled milk!!!
Edit; BTW, who said more octane is automatically a good thing w/alcohol? The
rated octane at the pump is what it is, and I sure as hell would rather use
something else! As far as raising the octane available at the pumps, that's
only a benefit to those who need it, as long as the fuel suppliers don't try
to sacrifice the low octane. If You're running around in the 8.0:1 classic,
the last thing You want is to be forced to run more than You need, & pay.