recommendations for paint/sealing of the bottom of the unibody?

Thanks for the pics guys, I need some inspiration to get out there and finish up the rest of the structural stuff so I can get it mounted on the rotisserie and get serious about this project. Here is my plan as of now:
I have a guy local to me that does the dustless blasting with crushed glass and will be going that route on the bottom and engine compartment, followed by a good cleaning, bare metal prep then epoxy primer. I will most likely try the Lizard skin ceramic thermal barrier followed by a topcoat of gray enamel paint in the bottom of the car and then some high build urethane primer and single stage enamel in the engine compartment to roughly match the current exterior color (metallic tan). Keep the comments/recommendations coming though as I doubt I will be spraying anything on the Demon until mid-summer at the rate I'm going. I did get the lower core support fitted and tacked into place this week though so some progress is better than none!
