rant about foreign flag protocol

I disagree with the previous assessment. I have to say the OP was initially ignorant of correct American Flag protocol but he also recognized that he was, and asked for education...which he accepted and decided what the right thing to do was.

He happens to be more knowledgeable about the Dutch Flag protocol and expressed his frustration that it wasn't being done properly (perhaps a bit overly critical) but then quickly took the time to help educate and correct the ignorance of those who didn't know what he did.

I find little in all of that that is hypocritical or "going out of the way to be offended". Perhaps a bit of an over reaction initially, but it was quickly followed with action to help educate...for which he deserves credit.

Nobody is perfect. Initial over-reaction, followed quickly by constructive action, is more than redemption enough...and is all that can be asked of any of us imperfect beings trying to do the right thing.

"Judge not, lest ye be judged"