I have an update. I've been working on this car just about every weekend since the Fall. I've gotten a lot of good ideas and help from folks on this forum. I have a lot of work left to do but I've made some progress. The shock tower is notched, the SS&AFX mounts are in, the engine compartment has gone from rattle can black with lots of random holes to matching the car. I got rid of the fuel cell in the truck and put in a real truck floor. I moved the spare tire well and gas tank over to the driver's side about 3/4" to give me more room for leaf spring clearance on the passenger side (the car is mini-tubbed with leaf the leaf spring relocated inward and they are very close to the tank). The gas tank has a modern in-tank pump that can support over 800HP. I've ripped out all the wiring and dash and I'm redoing that. All new brake lines and offset master cylinder are in. I've been very fortunate with friends helping me (some on this forum) and 2 friends lending me an real hemi block and a plastic hemi mockup block. #madness