66 Dart GT HT Whatsitgonnabe?

I've been kept busy fixing the A4. A front coil spring broke and that turned into a proper cursing fest. I broke the steering spindle where the upper control arms connect because the retaining bolt was seized in the hole like it was welded.


Then I forgot to remove the center bolt before taking everything apart so I ended pulling the inner CV joint apart. That meant I had to remove the drive shaft and file down the stops made in the raceway to keep it from sliding apart - they were keeping it from sliding back together.

I also had to think of a was of keeping the spindle in place when I loosened the center bolt. Came up with this.


When I was re-installing everything, I routed the brake hose on the wrong side of the shock strut so I had to take pretty much everything apart again. Then, when the disk and calipers were in place, I realized I had forgotten to put the brake shield back ...

I'm a doofus.

Anyway, now all I need is new bolts (they're the torque-and-stretch, discard when used type). I'm picking them up this afternoon and then I can tighten everything and put the thing back on the ground. Finally.