Finally after 5 years

I can relate. I've been John Waynein it the last few years, but that's comin to an end. lol

I always say I'm going to go as long as I can then rely on good pain killers and alcohol for the rest of my life.
Speaking of that, those drinks on the beach I told you about are getting closer by the day. :D

Amazing how much cleaner it looks without the antenna.

I questioned that for a few years, and I do like the clean look without it.
Don't listen to the radio much anyway, just CD's I burn, but I'm going to get an amplified FM windshield antenna for it anyway I guess.

I can relate to the old body stuff.
My last email update on the Duster had the title: I'm not 18 anymore. Had to work on my back, under the dash, arms at crazy angles in unnatural positions.

Like jamming your hands in a box of kitchen knives working on these old girls.
The unnatural positions I can still do, but I pay for it later.

Looking good Trailbeast. I never noticed your bad fender at the car show, your shiny valve covers and fancy coolant tank must have diverted my attention:D

Well, it was shiny but buckled so maybe that's it.:D