Do all A bodies have overheating problems?

Unless I missed it , what thermostat are you using (temp rating) ?

I'm using the Milidon high flow thermostat that was recommended with the Milidon high volume water pump. I believe the thermostat was rated at 185.
I agree about moving water too quickly through the radiator, but the problem was there using the stock water pump and 180 thermostat. I've considered putting a stock thermostat back in.
The lower hose is not collapsing, it has the coiled wire in it and is firm when the engine is running.
I am running electric Accumeter gauges, but have checked the temps with an IR gun. Yesterday, the upper hose was showing 221 degrees, the lower showing 210 after idling for 15 minutes.
Agreed, the open element air cleaner makes it worse.
I've owned this car for 14 years, and thought recently that I had finally turned the corner. At this point, I really don't know what to try other than a different style of fan blade....Larry