Thanks for all of the input!!!
Based on what I've read, and the fact that the upper radiator hose was reading 221 degrees and the lower was 210, it has to be airflow and/or flow through the radiator. So I tried an experiment tonight. I removed the Milidon high volume thermostat and tested it in bowling water with my IR gun. While it was somewhat inconsistent with its' opening temp ( 180 ), I was surprised at how much of an opening it has ( hence, high flow ). So, maybe it is flowing too quickly through the radiator and not giving it time to cool. I never tried the high volume pump with a normal thermostat.
I'm still at the belief that my fan is not correct, but I want to try one thing at a time.
Unfortunately, the parts houses did not have a thermostat, so I won't have it till tomorrow. As with the case of this car, and it's age, the only parts I can usually get off the shelf are oil and sometimes an oil filter...LOL.
So I'm going to try my current combination with a stock 180 thermostat and see what happens. I'm also going to explore different types of fans. I'kk keep you posted. Thanks. Larry