Do all A bodies have overheating problems?
I realize I am a day late and a dollar short, and that a lot of what I will say has already been covered. It has been my experience that when there is an overheat problem, there is a logical reason for it. If you rebuild an engine but the block did not receive a THOROUGH cleaning on the inside, you will have 40-50 years worth of crud keeping the coolant from flowing properly. Double the power output, and you have to do something about the cooling system. The Hood to Radiator to cowl seal was not there for looks. It really did help force air through the radiator. The fan shroud was there for a reason too. It also helped to force air to be sucked through the radiator. If you have a gap between the top of radiator shroud and the radiator, the fan will suck air through that instead of across the radiator. These are just a few ideas off the top of my head.