Electric Fans, can they replace my clutch fan?
FWIW, I went with an electrical setup for a short while, but constant heat problems forced me back to fan and shroud. I was willing to accept the loss of a few parasitic HP.
Especially in a streeter that can already spin the tires all the way thru first and most of the time all the way to past the speed limit. I could care less about the few horsepower it takes to drive it below 30 mph. I just make sure to not drive it there,lol. Kidding!
Look it takes like 10/15 hp to move the car at at 20mph. So I got like 400 more of 'em. Do I really need to worry about the couple of hp that a mechanical fan might suck at 2000 rpm, that has a 20 mph wind already jamming into it?
>I tell you what;put a thermostatic clutch-drive 7 blade fan on your pump, and take your car to a deserted non-dirt road. Time your run to 100mph.Repeat 3 times and average the results. Flip the belt off and time another run, then put the belt back on. Now tell me how much time that 7 blader cost you.I bet it's less than .2 second.Maybe less than .1. I bet you will have to get a special stopwatch to actually measure it.And you will never be really sure if you measured anything at all.
> Now run some fresh cold air into your carb,get the AFR right, and time that run. Let's see 250*/or more, underhood air versus 70/80 degree above hood air.Hmmmmmmmm. I bet that's .2 second or more.
> I see this as a case of not seeing the forest for the trees.
Often a guy worries about the fan at 6800rpm which he visits once in a very great while, instead of his poor engine wheezing along on that stinking hot air, all the time!
Ok, that was me a long long very long time ago. Then I cut a big ol' hole in my just painted pristine hood. Hello 93 in the 1/8th!
And no; cutting a hole in your hood does not guarantee you this result,lol!