rant about foreign flag protocol

Don't even get me started on apartheid. S.A. right now is a cesspool and it's all because the communists and left wing antifa's decided to involve themselves in a sovereign country's business. Had apartheid been allowed to work, South Africa would not be the sewer it is today.

You can force people who have different cultures, religion, morals, language and heritage to live together unless someone assimilates. What is almost done in S.A. is being done here in the USA. We'd better wake up. We have millions of dissimilated blacks and millions of unassimilated Mexicans.we are slowly drifting towards a third world country.

So YES, uphold your standards and YOUR culture.
So you're a big fan of apartheid interesting so does that mean you're in favor of minority rule and if apartheid didn't work in 50 plus years what makes you think given more time it was going to change but I guess racist will always justify their position by any means necessary lol