New voltage limiter questions - 67 Dart 270
I practiced and preached complete limiter amputation only because I always opened the gauge to inspect. The fuel gauge has a different duty cycle/lives a different life from the other 2 thermal instruments. It runs hotter, especially where the limiter generates heat in the same can. A full tank of fuel not only generates more heat but there's a rapid heat/needle swing with every ignition switch cycle too. After 50 years labor, Over 90% of those I opened were fried. Soooo I removed the limiter while in there for this other reason ( although it wasn't absolutely necessary to remove it ).
And to go all the way... completely removing the limiter includes removing that chassis ground connection. There's a separate fault condition related to that chassis ground path in the a-body rallye cluster that I need not go into here. Anyway...
My only surprises were the few fuel gauges that didn't need complete renew and the 3 different factory defectives that should have never been put in a car.