My headers nightmare

Been about 15 years or so since i put my Hookers on. I just had to have Hooker Headers once in my life. 72 Swinger, 904, 318, power steering, column shift, just about everything that can get in the way. I forgot, power brakes also. I broke 2 exhaust studs off under the brake booster to start with. Well, looks like time for head gaskets too and off to the machine shop they went, the heads that is. I read the directions as if they were a Tolstoy novel, didn't miss a word. I got the propper sized allen head bolts for the flanges, I learned from past experiences. Jacked that bad boy up as high as the jack stands would hold it, full size oil filter was in the way on the passenger side. No problem, Fram has options. Passenger's side on in no time. The instructions failed to mention one little thing, the drag link has to pass THROUGH the headers. Once I figured that out it was a simple matter of undoing the motor mounts, jacking the motor up, and on they went. The headers do reduce the ground clearance substantially. I had to take the torsion bars up a couple of turns and get the front end aligned. Glory be, Santa Maria is pretty dang flat, so it's LOADED with concrete cross gutters in the streets. Other than that, no problem, I couldn't run the Purple Hornies though, crossmember interference issues, damm the luck. From the collectors back, told the muffler shop "Turbo mufflers, over the differential and chop them off". There is even a Turbo muffler sized cavity under there that worked well.