starter relay issue

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I didn't realize this was a 74. You don't still have the seat belt interlock box do ya? This has a reset button on a horn relay looking box under the hood. The starter relay "start" wire goes through that. If you have it, you need to jumper the two yellows together

This thing here.........

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So far as your dissection, I'd be making sure that the relay is actually what is failing. Hook the two spade connectors to a battery........does it pull in? If not the coil is bad. If so, inspect the contacts. If they look fairly clean, there's likely nothing at all wrong with the relay

on the stated, I am 30 miles away from the back there after the Holiday.

it looks like a little different than that particular one, but perhaps that is what it is. The seat belt circuit in the interior is long gone

I took it apart for a look-see inside while waiting to leave for Ross's and ran out of time. I will add some juice to it when I get back to the shop.