EngineMasters Episode 21 408/410 stroker w/ported heads
I get the point of it and I understand the audience it's for.
My big problem is if the combo was correct for that size carb and cam and you change the intake from a dual plane to single plane, you most likely need less carb with the single plane so it is down on mid range power because the carb the engine sees is bigger than it needs to be.
Same with the cam. With a single plane, you can generally use less timing with the single plane to keep the RPM the same.
I know it takes more than a 1/2 hour to do it, but I'd have rather seen all three combos flogged and see how it comes out. So the second test would have had a smaller carb and cam. Then the ported stuff would have used the bigger carb and a cam selected just for it.
In my opinion, they left a bunch on the table with the second test and some on the table with the third, if you think the first combo was sorted out.
I hope that makes my point clear. At least as clear as mud.