Cast vs. Forged Crank?

That is pretty crappy indeed. Were these SCAT cranks or others? Just wondering if there are particular mfrs who don't do good work.

One was a SCAT deal. I forget who the rest were. Sometimes it's a matter of standards. One shop in my area does street engines to under 10 grams and race engines to under 5 grams. We did 5 and 1 and tried to keep both ends within a gram.

There were some cranks that came through that were more than 20 grams off. If I have to stand behind it, it has to be to my standards.

Edit: the worse crank that came through was by a local shop. It was a 360 external balance. The pulley end was off by 8 grams and the flywheel end was off a 100. The guy who did the original job said I lied. I told him to come have a look. He didn't. Funny enough, it didn't shake after it was fixed. We all make mistakes. I just don't want to pay for others bad days. I have enough on my own!