Stop in for a cup of coffee

Great, my older sister just called and the place we were going to move my Dad to did an evaluation of him today and decided that he needs more care than they are capable of, and won't take him. Looks like we are on the hunt for a nursing home now...ugh. :BangHead:
at least they were honest up front and not two weeks after admitting him

Happy is part of our family. She is a great friend and Dog.
I'm sure. I know that feeling. I adopted a golden retriever, lab mix when I was 9/10 years old. She was about a year old at that time. We went thru a lot together, she got ran over once, busted a hip but survived with surgery(I worked my *** off that summer to pay for it.) a couple years later, she got dognapped while I was at school, and my grandfather was in the field behind the house. 4 months later while squirrel hunting my cousin found her chained to a tree in the woods 2 miles away. Skin and bones, she survived. Fast forward to about 2010, she was going in 15 years old, had heart worms, had issues with her hips. We finally made the decision to put her down to ease her suffering. Local vet wanted 1500 plus a cremation fee of 450, more if we wanted to keep the remains. I was in college, no money, my parents couldn't help(nor would they) so out came the old .22 colt SA, she was gone instantly, buried her on the knoll behind the barn where she always sunbathed while watching the cows play. Couldn't afford to do it the "right way" but I didn't want her suffering anymore.
After 28 years it is officially my last day as a Mac Tools Distributor. Kinda bitter/sweet but it's time.

Congrats and darn at the same time. But you'll always be the toolman