TorqueFlite Burnouts
Mind is also the no reverse band in first. Only the sprag to hold at the burn out/line.
#1 you can't get a better/ cleaner 1-2 just can't!
#2 This 727 has been in my car for 20+ years now. fluid changed once a year, alway red.
But to be fair, any transmission built to hold up to 600 HP, will live a long time behind a 290 HP 340, and now 450 HP stroker.
Just remember, sprags fail under shock loads. even a transbrake transmission don't give a shock load to the sprag.....It is already lock up. So will disagree, but think about it. If my left foot is on the brake and right the gas........or trans brake is on and right foot is on the brake......the sprag is loaded and releasing the brake only lessend the load on the sprag not increase.(exception to this rule of course)