Stop in for a cup of coffee

Hi folks!

Long day and I'm beat. The tree guys wouldn't plant the trees the way I wanted it done removing all of the burlap, twine and metal cage, so I just had them dig the holes and put the trees next to them. Then I did the burlap and cage removal, planting, back filling and mulching.

They wouldn't do it because they said it would void the one year warranty. Well I'm not falling for that BS. By keeping them in the burlap and sticking them in the ground, of course they will survive a year...but their growth will be permanently stunted and it may very well kill them in a few years...and then you get me to come back and buy more trees telling me my soil is the problem so you can sell me on digging massive holes and filling them with your 'special' tree soil?

The old myth that you can leave them in burlap was only true back when they used natural burlap that would decompose in a couple of months in the ground and even then they recommended removing most of it after you set the root ball in the ground. The modern "treated" burlap can last years in the ground without breaking down.

Beer time now!

Homer beer FABO 1.jpg