Do all A bodies have overheating problems?
I will say this, couple decades ago, back WHEN getting a hold of any STOCK BB or SB, with the correct OEM pullies, fan, shroud, decent CORRECT rad. out of say how many doz. of these cars I had , never had an overheat problem. yes 440 always ran hotter than others seemed to me.
with a good rad, correct size pullies, and right thermostat, correct fan ( that eliminates a flex fan immediately), be it fixed or not, sitting in a correct shrould, and engine that antifreeze can circulate thru, AC water pump? maybe, I can't see why anyone has overheat problems??? maybe am a dinaseaur? ( can't spell chit?) ( no doubt).
so what does that say? I agree we can build a "hotter" engine that can add overheat problems somewhat, but also look at the rad. now available people all use. and why add these stupid electric fans???????????? for a street car???