Stop in for a cup of coffee

Gravity acceleration is 32 ft/sec per sec.. To fall the 3' to the ground after failure, it will hit the floor in 0.1 sec. The average eye blink is 0.2 sec.

Faster than you can blink, you get to lose at least one of your feet...and God knows what else when the engine rolls across the floor.

Ingenious my azz...if you can weld the stand to the cart, you can weld it to a better fabricated frame with casters rated for more than a basket of groceries.

That's what we call ingeniously stupid...a more highly engineered way to create a disaster.

I'm sure the owner will say "I used it for several engines and it was fine". Yeah that's what the guy pumping gas while smoking a cigarette said...right up until he made an ash of himself.