Stop in for a cup of coffee

I did see your post that the hand isn't healing as well as hoped... seemed like such a non issue at first - WTH?

It's coming along, I got my cast off last week... That makes 6 weeks in a cast/splint... Most breaks usually take 12 weeks in a cast...

The doc says that now it's a race against time to get my mobility back - it's very stiff from being immobilized... I have to fight scar tissue building up so I don't loose any movement...

Some times it gets stiff and I have to push to try to bend and extend it... Some days I make good progress... Then sometimes it stiffens up... It's on again - off again thing...

It's pretty good this morning, so far it's the best it's felt so far, but still a ways to go before it's back to normal...

I try to extend and contract the muscles until it hurts to get them to loosen up... Still some swelling in my hand, but it's going down a little... I can't make a fist with it yet as the muscles are too tight and I can feel them pulling when I push for the extremes of the range...

I try to suck it up and get through the pain, when the pain gets too much I back off... I haven't taken any pain pills in over 3 weeks, but considering using some aleve if the pain gets too bad... It would be nice to numb the pain, but I don't want to cover up the pain and overdue it and damage something because I don't feel the pain to let me know when I'm pushing it too hard and do more damage.... I'm not a pill popper and only take them when I need them...

But overall, it's getting there... So far the movement today is the best so far.. I can't pick up anything with any weight with it yet, only light things so far.. I have to work on squeezing and clamping/holding...