How much would you pay for a modern tech 15" 60 series performance streetable tire?

I don't auto-cross, cuz the closest track is 3 hours away.
But I like to powerslide nearly every corner I come to, below 40 mph. I can do that because of the 275/60-15 BFG or Cooper no-stick tires. Since I'm forever turning the car with the rear end, I have found 235/60-14s adequate up front.
To get the braking I needed. I put it in the back tires. I run theKH 4 pistons up front with performance pads. And I run 10x2s out back with zero proportioning. Since this is a streeter, and the speed limit is 65, I'm in pretty good shape.
So yeah, I'd be interested in sticky 295/60-15s/325/50-15s and sticky 235/60-14s/245/50-15s; which I have custom wheels for.
But there are several things I come against that with,namely; A) I bought new spare tires several years ago. and B) I'll be 64 on Sunday, so how many more years am I gonna drive like an idiot?, and C) I'm a streeter,running under 65 mph, and D) I have a hot 367 that smokes anything to 65, and it only takes around 5 seconds.
But if I was in some type of competition, then $800 to 1000/4 would seem reasonable to me.
But, I remember these F1s I once had, man those things stuck pretty good. But the only lasted about a month, on city streets.That mighta-bin 400 or so miles! Then they were bald all the way across the threads. Slicker than slick. It was a lot of fun while it lasted ,tho
You have to admit that it's funny that while you're respectful of the 65mph speed limit, you're also steering the car with the rear wheels...which is like instant "reckless driving" infraction. :D
Don't take that as a criticism. I think it's great. I've been burning the tires and enjoying the capabilities of V8 engines since first started driving. I'm a strict rule follower in almost every category...but most of us know when we can safely push the limits a bit.

As for being a hotrodder in your 60s...jeez...does anyone think of this as old age anymore? I know 70 year olds who keep up with people in their 20s. It's just a're the one who knows your own limits and it sounds like you're aware. That's all any of us can do.

It sounds like you enjoy the hell out of your Mopar...and there is something to be said for low-traction tires on cars with enough chassis composure to allow for fun/controlled sliding....but sometimes a situation calls for more grip. I agree with your $800-$1000 range. I just paid almost $700 for four 1980s tech BFG Radial T/As! I'd gladly pay more for better rubber.

Quick question: Would you mind sharing a link to these 4 piston brakes that fit into 14" wheels??