swapping early 3.09 1st into later case

I just use a 14.09 first gear. Idle in first gear is about walking speed.
I did that once;3.09x4.88=15.08. 550rpm in gear idle was 2.9mph. And it tended to get real jumpy down there.Cuz you know, what little torque it was making at 550 was multiplied by the starter gear,lol.

Then I got the DB device, retarded the timing to 5*, and with 3.55s, 500rpm is now 3.7mph, with almost no jumpiness.(Torque multiplication is now reduced to 73%). The fire doesn't get going until the piston is well on it's way down the cylinder, so pressure is much reduced, and the jumpiness is g-o-n-e, or rather it has moved to below 3.7 mph. I can still find it just before it stalls,lol. The engine has,at 500rpm, just enough power to pull itself on flat hard ground. Just.But when it does get jumpy, it is no where near as violent, as with 15 or 20 degrees of lead.
Three cheers for the DB device.