How much would you pay for a modern tech 15" 60 series performance streetable tire?

The Kelsey-Hays 4-piston brakes were a factory option on A-bodies,from the mid 60s to the early 70s. They are totally adequate for 65 to zero stops. I have hammered them at the track to see what they can take, and in a single stop from 100mph they have no trouble recovering between rounds. I think the ventilated rotors are just over 11".They also have no trouble hauling the car down from 100ish to 65, multiple times, and back to back.
Sometimes when I'm feeling frisky, and I "need" to pass some slowpoke on the hiway, I have been known to just stomp on it after pulling out into the passing lane.Well, as I am passing the other driver and making eye-contact, I might be going 85 or 90 mph. So after transitioning back into my lane, I might "need" to scrub off some speed. I love that car. And I love those brakes. A little stab on the pedal and 65 is back on the clock.
These KH systems often come up for sale here on FABO. There is even a fellow here the rebuilds them to "as new" condition. The kit he supplies is not cheap, but from what I remember, I thought it was good value. He supplies everything you need; calipers,rotors,brackets, spindles, and all hardware. About the only upgrade I would suggest is braided lines.And a DB master. I like the 15/16 one, to work with my mid 70s booster.
Alternatively rusty core-hulks appear here regularly which you can recondition yourself. Sometimes not all the parts are there tho. Often there are parts missing.

Yeah as to not speeding and as to sliding, I know it seems a dichotomy; I can't explain it. I know speed kills. And I know slamming into curbs while sliding breaks aluminum rims. But here's the thing. By never getting caught speeding, I have money to spend on stupid driving. I refuse to waste my safe-driving merits on speeding, when I need them for just in case I get caught for; excessive spinning of tires, or fishtailing, or some other bunk charge. So far, when the cop has pulled up my record and has seen the almost exemplary record, I have been let go with a lessor charge or let go period, or when a charge carries demerits, the cop has outright told me he was reducing it to such and such, so it wouldn't affect my record. Such nice cops we have around here. And no, I don't know a one of them,lol. But the car has been in the community since 1999, and has never been seen speeding here.
I have however received three citations for various horsings around. Never speeding.
My favorite was when I got caught doing a 200 plus foot powerslide around some grain silos on private property. When I came around the far side ,there he was parked in my sliding space. What could I do but stop.And hang my head.
So he nonchalantly walks over, and says "you got permission from the landowner to be doing this?" No sir, was my reply. To which he returned " you know you can't be doing that here then; but you do it pretty good, wait here." several minutes later he returns with my driver's license, and a ticket, and says " next time,take it outta town".
Then , he reels off all the charges he coulda pinned on me, but on account of my record, he had just charged me with this lessor charge which would not affect my record;such a sweet man.
Thank you very much sir, I said. And we parted company.
$359 thank you very much.
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