408 Build Thread

I did a little detail work to the engine bay yesterday. Yeah, I know, the day after the show, but things were kind of hectic Friday night. I bought some universal windlace off of eBay to go around the hole that I cut in the hood. It just clamps in place and really cleaned up the cut line. This is before I squeezed it together tight, but you get the idea.
I also spent a couple hours hiding some of my wiring in some braided sheathing that I bought at Summit. I couldn't stand the look of loose wires laying across my intake manifold and inner fenders. I ran zip ties through the holes in the inner fenders to hold everything tight and even installed my windshield washer system, though it's more on principle because I paid so much for it several years ago.
I'm pretty satisfied with everything under the hood. Except for a little tuning I should be done under there for a while.