Duster Shakes on take off

Well you are a dick! Why is everybody's parts junk and you tell them to throw them in the trash ? I ran a sintered metal clutch with no marcel for years with no problems,
my friend runs a dual sintered disk and had never had a problem.

Easy does it. He's not running a sintered iron disc. Do you even know what that is? I run a sintered iron disc. On a daily driver. If the clutch chatters it's JUNK.

Now, I could tell him to use a sintered iron disc (which McLeod calls the Sof-Lok) but it's expensive to do it right. You have to be willing to tune it. And he probably doesn't need it. He can call Brewers and order a McLeod with a rag disc and be much better off. And not spend all,that money for something he doesn't need or doesn't want to spend the time to tune it.

Junk is JUNK at any price. What he has is a chattering, parts breaking JUNK clutch.