408 Stroker Short Block Details: Blueprint Engines
I recall reading some posts from someone actually from Blueprint that seemed to be attempting to address some of the issues people were having/raising. There's no doubt about bad dealings just as there is no doubt there are happy customers, just based on posts on this forum. One has to consider the fact most get on these forums to post problems more so than those that post their success. I see that on countless motorcycle brand specific related forums, where one might get the impression the bike is problematic. Sometimes it's a good indicator that it is in fact so, or simply people just bashing them for any number of reasons, rightly or wrongly. Bottom line IMO is, one does the research, weighs the otions, cover the bases as they best are able, decides if they can deal with any outcome and makes a choice. Not to be redundant, but again as posted earlier, from everything I've looked at so far it looks like a quality piece, assembled and packaged with care. Proper. Starting with the crate, not on a tire, not open on it's side on a pallet (I work in the LTL field, I seen it all believe me) not slapped together scraps, but solid and secure, sealed in a bag, delivered intact, not upside down laying on the pile of wood. Yeah, we ain't buying a friggin crate. I'd be considered incredibly anal and very picky, so when you go to pick up something this costly to see that is shipped professionaly is always a good start. And as I go along inspecting the actual engine I'm so far impressed. Obviously, a long way to go before it runs, we'll see. One thing I will say is the reason I decided to post my experience with this brand is because I searched and searched to find the same info from actual users, details of what you are thinking about doing. Might be out there, might not, I haven't seen it. Just maybe there are others are out there too. I get off on actually posting something that may be helpful to others, and anyways, my wife has no interest in my "show and tell" or hobby so I gotta take it somewhere else :D