
Hey everyone!
I'm getting fed up with how hard the way my car starts after getting hot. I'm sure everyone has this problem one time or another.
I have a restoration group 24 battery in my car now with a mini starter and it will start fine when it's cold. A couple spins and fires right up.
Yesterday went to put gas in it and after the 5 minutes it took me fill it, wouldn't spin. Crap!
Called the wife and she brought my truck and I jumped it. It took a bit to start as the fuel was starting to percolate. Got it home and parked it.
Today I put my truck battery in it drove it to a show 30 miles away. All good, started instantly to go home as the engine was cool. Got it home parked in the driveway to unload it.
Sat for a half hour and went to move it and it wont spin.
The battery in my truck has 700cca and it wont turn over when hot. The timing is set at 14 degrees and my truck battery is 14 years old though, might have something to do with it.
It no doubt needs a new battery but is a 830 cca battery going to be strong enough?
Any recommendations on a size or a brand? I would have sworn that 700cca would have started it.