Stop in for a cup of coffee

You can't stop it, only contain it...ever. It's been that way for millennia.

Ban Muslims? Not possible. That's like saying "let's ban homicidal maniacs" or "radical racists".

You can't tell one by looking anymore than you can tell a Christian by looking. Radical ones of any religion or creed are just going to pretend to be something else until they unleash their mayhem. Ban any of them and you are just pouring gasoline on the fire.

You cannot regulate to achieve peace.

And BTW, the attack was against Muslims...not by them. Shall we ban the anti-Muslims too? There will be no one left if we ban the 99.9% for the actions of the 0.1% of any group.

LONDON (AP) - A vehicle struck pedestrians near a mosque in north London early Monday morning, causing several casualties, police said. One person has been arrested. The London Ambulance Service says the injured are being taken to hospitals. Eyewitnesses reported seeing police give emergency medical treatment to at least one of the injured. The Muslim Council tweeted that worshippers were struck by a van as they were leaving prayers near the Finsbury Park mosque. It said its prayers are with the victims. The neighborhood has two mosques, and several hundred worshippers would have been in the area after attending prayers as part of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

I know all this. That was the whole point of the "unrealistic " comment in my post. The point I was trying to get was I don't know of anyway to stop it