Stop in for a cup of coffee

Dang, I'm not helping much here. Hopefully the T/O bearing won't be the issue this time. Hydraulic so no adjustment I presume.
yep hydraulic slave

Jesus - that's a new clutch about every 25k... Chinese guy say - sumtingelsewong
Ah ok thanks
I am assuming it has a slave cylinder on the clutch fork?
Slave cylinder is external on the bell housing
sooo.. maybe Chris wore out his shaft..?? ~what!?
Something has to be doing it, Uneven flywheel? Chris what have you changed so far.

New flywheel the last time, had the old one turned on the clutches before. Clutch disc, pressure plate, throw out bearing, pilot bearing changed each time. Slave cylinder changed twice. Pivot ball for the fork changed with the last clutch job last year.