LSx Valiant Build. Take a look inside...

Not $700 on TTI. And that was 7 years ago. Here's roughly what I spent. 700 headers. $2500 04 truck motor/tranny. $75 ECM. 1200 harness. $700 headers. $800 fuel tank and pump. $250 oil pan. $4000 alterkation front end. $140 radiator. $75 fan/shroud. $250 for SRT intake adapters. $50 SRT8 intake.(great deal right place right time) $175 pedal. $175. Throttle body. Holy crap that's a lot haven't. Added up in along time. That is not all the small things I under $25 that add up. .
You thought out you build,but still with that the LS is less. Don't have to do k member. LS harness is less,headers are less,etc. Then if you want to modify, it's less. I'm not tryin to step on anyone's toes, but there are others with my same interest. If I get flamed, I'll flame back. I won't go away.