340 no can start

true story - got my known to run 360 installed, set everything up and it wouldn't start.. tried a few times by adjusting the distributor left and right, still nothing. Checked some wires, good. Getting fuel? yep. Spark? you betcha - reset the dizzy to "about" where I remembered it being and tried again - nada. OK, did I install the dizzy 180 off? Changed it - rechecked everything again, tried it - STILL nothing.. well :wtf:? Adjust left, adjust right - zip. By now I have tried 6-8 times and the battery is fading.. time to quit, leave the battery on a charger - CU 2morrow.
Next day, same basic crap - only now the battery is spinning it up really nice.. tried a few mores times - now I'm getting that "thunk" sound I mentioned before - deep inside the engine.. like it's firing out the exhaust.. so I pulled the #1 plug... WOW - fouled heavy - very wet and very black. I took each one out, cleaned them off with a tooth brush and some carb. cleaner and reinstalled them.. Pumped it one time and hit it - VAROOM!

I know for a fact this happens to people.:D