
I had a little "Cancer problem" when I was 47. Got through that OK,thankfully but in the process lost all my ability to put up with the bullshit in what was actually a very high paying job. Tried a few other things after that but no better as clearly my attitude had changed forever. Planned on pulling the pin at 55 but only lasted to 54 1/2 when we put the house on the market and moved further out of town and pocketed a few bucks. The wife and I are living quite nicely on a combination of reduced pensions and real estate proceeds until the Govt pensions kick in at 60 and 67* (*thanks Federal government idiots).

Anyway, my point is 1) Retirement is totally fabulous, 2) it isnt nearly as expensive to live as one would think when you have all that time to wait for sales, collect rebates or seniors discounts , do less eating out etc. but most importantly at least in my case, the absolute, complete lack of stress of retirement is certainly adding extra years back on to my life. Oh yeah, and then there's the 3 grandchildren that arrived since we retired 19 months ago. UNBELIEVABLE!

NONE of us can say with any certainty at all that we will still be here in 6 months. My message to the world is get out of the ratrace the second you can, especially while you still have the ability to do what you enjoy. It's after 10am, I should probably get out of bed and figure out what I feel like doing today. Maybe I'll vacuum the house. Maybe not.