Headlight Switch Schematic

The headlight switch is actually two or three switches in one box, with TWO battery supplies

B1 is UNFUSED and supplies ONLY the headlights. It comes from the ammeter circuit When the switch is "full out" that sends power ONLY to the dimmer switch and no where else

B2 is fused power from the tail fuse from the fuse panel.

It powers the tail/ park, and instrument lamps

There are TWO terminals it feeds out.......one is for park "P", which is ONLY powered in "park."

the terminal for the rear lamps "R"is powered BOTH in park and head. THAT terminal is what Ma switched the park/ marker lamps over to in 68/9/later to keep the park and marker lights on in the head position

Internally, the park/ tail switch also feeds power to the dash dimmer control. That feeds out (on TAN) TO the instrument fuse on the end of the fuse panel. From there, dash lamp power goes out on ORANGE wire

Replacement switches for most these cars should be available at your "corner" half assed used to be known as an "auto parts store"

B1.........power to switch from ammeter circuit for HEADlights only
B2.........power to switch from tail fuse

P............feed from switch to front park lamps
R............feed from switch to to rear tail lamps

D...........Dome light switch......Grounds the yellow when knob twisted left

H...........Feed from switch to headlamps

E1-18T...Improperly marked is the output of the dash dimmer feeding "dimmed" power down to the iNST fuse
