Stop in for a cup of coffee

so speaking of the government ripping us off. I have a friend out in CA that is a diehard gooberment is always right dem loving leftie. I get this message from her bragging about how CA should be the example for all states blah blah blah because they lowered their deficit for just this year, from 27 million to 23 million....... they did it by literally taxing everything you can think of, including taxes on using public restrooms. yet they still have 1.3 TRILLION dollars in debt overall.

Yeah, Our budget in Illinois is so bad, they just suspended the lotto last night because they don't have the money to pay any big winners...

Legislature is sitting on their *** playing politics on balancing the budget...

we're going to be the first state to get junk bond status....

They haven't passed a budget in 3 years now.... we need to fire all the politicians and get new ones...

One legislature was on the news last night criticizing them for having to cancel the lottery - he says lotto generates $700 - $800 million a year and the politicians are going to screw that up....

Pretty soon our state will run on I-O-U's....