Bad omen for the value of 69 M-Code Cudas

[QUOTE="cosgig, post: 1971731518, member: 7035"

In my personal endeavor to trade my GTX for a Roadrunner, I simply feel that I need to be apples to apples....your relatively clean and mostly unmolested 70 RR for my GTX in likewise condition!!

I know we re off subject somewhat, but I night reply this to Cosgig on trades. horse trades are always really hard to do with these old cars.. only thing that matter is: is one car worth more than the other and if so is that guy willing to make up that difference!! people never can get figures out of their head, as in..., " I want x $$ for my car but the other guy only wants y $ for his.
I did make a million on a trade once, I traded my million dollar turtle for a million $ frog! even up..... ha