1965 Dodge Dart 270 wagon

My wagon was also LA-built. I forgot to mention that the "S" shaped bracket that the hood latch latches onto when the hood is closed was also gold cad plated on the underside where it's bolted to that flat plate and showed traces of gold underneath where the bolts sit. What got me asking about everything was I saw yours was painted red, which you confirmed was not correct. My package was delivered to Eric today I see so I should get it back in a couple of weeks (or less!). I also sent him the bracket that bolts to the block which secured the PS pump intermediate bracket. That was also cad plated.
That will look great when finished. So there might be changes even if same plant. Hm, I need to wright everything down. Valuable for future! Any progress on your wagon? Anything you need so I can bring it in my suitcase?